3 Business You Can Start with as low as $20 an earn millions

You may probably have a business sense but don’t have the capital needed to start up a business. Here are 3 businesses that you can start with a little capital, as low as $20 dollar. Here they are:

1. Cleaning Business

You can start this business by getting your materials ready such as cleaning mops, bucket and so on. You’ll purchase these items with your start-up capital and expand as you progress in the business. Advertise yourself or your brand on social media, you will be getting customers. You can charge up to $100 dollar per cleaning depending on the apartment size, with regular cleaning per day you can earn up to $1000 dollar in less than a month.

2. Sell your advice

You can sell your advice to people in need or people in big problem. Advice people on how to escape their problems or hard time. The more you Enlighten people the more money you get. You can charge at least $10 dollar per advice, with these you can $1000 in less than a month.

3. Mini Importation

You can import goods from China and sell to people. A lot of things are cheap over there which is why you can start with $20 dollar. You can import clothes, shoes, bags, slippers, wrist watch and so on. You can advertise your product online Sell it in reasonable price and your business will expand. With these you can earn as much as possible.

Remember that determination is the key to success

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