How to lose fat through Exercise

Increase your aerobic activity level.

Put together an aerobic exercise routine that will work in conjunction with your diet to cut body fat. Together, aerobic exercise and diet have been shown to be one of the best combinations to reduce body fat.

In general, it’s recommended to include at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week that’s just 20 minutes every day.

To speed the reduction of body fat, it’s suggested to work out for longer up to 60 minutes daily.
Include a wide variety of aerobic exercises like: walking/jogging, running, biking, dancing, swimming, martial arts or boxing and using the elliptical. Choose activities you enjoy, as this will make you more likely to stick with it.

If you’re just starting out with exercise, start by building upon your current activity regimen.
Whether you opt for low impact exercises such as swimming or walking, or a more intense routine like kickboxing or weight training, aim to work out for at least 30 minutes.

Add in high-intensity interval exercises.

Some studies have shown that more vigorous intensity exercises that are done in intervals decrease body fat more efficiently than moderate-intensity exercise.
Interval training combines both very high- and moderate-intensity exercise.

These workouts are usually done for shorter periods of time. An example of interval training is: 1 minute of sprinting followed by 3 minutes of jogging.

This cycle would be repeated several times, for about 20 minutes total (not including your warm up and cool down).

Interval training is great for body fat reduction as it has been shown to burn more calories from fat and keeps your metabolism elevated up to 24 hours after you’ve completed the workout.

Include regular resistance training.

Strength training does not burn high levels of fat when you’re performing the exercises; however, over time, strength training can help you build lean muscle mass which can help you increase your metabolism and your body’s ability to burn calories

It’s recommended to include strength training two to three days a week for at least 30 minutes.

It’s important to work all large muscle groups throughout the week.
Always include at least two days of rest and recovery between strength training routines. Your body and muscles need time for adequate recovery, otherwise performance may suffer over time.

Increase your daily activity.

In addition to cardio and strength training, you can increase your daily lifestyle activity. Studies have shown that, in general, people who are more active tend to be healthier.
Think about how much you move or how many steps you take in a day. How can you increase that?

A few ways to increase movement in your day include: do leg lifts while you sit at your desk or stand or do knee raises during commercial breaks.

Add more steps to your day by: taking a walk break during lunch, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away from your destination, and walk to places that are close to you (like the grocery store or pharmacy).

How to reduce fat through the foods we eat

Avoid added sugars and artificial sweeteners.
They can increase cravings and lead to overeating. There are over 60 names for added sugars, so it can sometimes be a challenge to identify them in an ingredient list. Some examples of added sugars are:

  • Agave nectar
  • Barley malt
  • Cane juice
  • Corn syrup
  • Dextrose

Opt for meals that are low-calorie.

Low-calorie diets will help you lose weight and reduce body fat. Monitor how many calories you eat daily and reduce this number by around 500 calories each day. This will yield a 1 – 2 pound weight loss per week.

Count how many calories you’re currently consuming. You can use a food journal, app or online calculator to help you do this accurately. Cut out about 500 calories from this number. Your end result should be what you aim for daily for slow and safe body fat loss.

Do not try to follow a very low calorie diet or consume less than 1,200 calories daily. When you’re calories are too low, you may stop losing weight or lose lean muscle mass, not body fat.

You may want to check with your physician or dietitian about the amount of calories you should be consuming in order to reduce body fat.

Focus on lean protein.

Protein is essential for your body’s metabolism. Focusing on lean protein at all meals and snacks can help support weight loss and body fat reduction.
Lean protein should be included at all meals. This will help ensure you meet your daily recommended amount.

Women should aim for 46 g daily and men should aim for 56 g.
Lean protein sources include: poultry, lean beef, pork, legumes, tofu, low-fat dairy and seafood.
Limit or avoid sources of protein that contain higher amounts of saturated fat. Some studies have shown that a diet rich in saturated fats may increase body fat especially in your abdomen.

Limit foods like:

  • full-fat dairy
  • fatty cuts of meat
  • butter.

Make fruits and vegetables a priority in meals.

In addition to lean protein, make a large part of your meals and snacks vegetables. You will also want to eat plenty of fruit. These foods are very nutritious and contain a lot of healthy nutrients your body needs.
It’s generally recommended to consume about five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Aim for one to two servings of fruit and the rest should be vegetables.

Also, when you’re choosing foods from these groups, try to choose items that are brightly colored or darkly colored.

These foods are typically more nutrient-dense meaning they contain higher amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

For example, choose kale over iceberg lettuce.

Reduce the amount of grains you eat.

One of the best ways to reduce your body fat is to reduce the amount of grains you eat each day. These carbohydrate-rich foods can slow the reduction of body fat.

How to Burn fat through the foods you eat

Adjusting Your feeding Habit

Reduce your calories gradually.
Jumping straight into a low-calorie diet is a shock to your system. When you go cold turkey, your body has no idea what’s going on so as a protective measure it clings onto your fat stores. Instead, ease your body into the diet by cutting your calories gradually.

Set a reasonable daily calorie goal that you can reduce to gradually. It might be 1,200 or 2,200 depending on your individual factors. Seek advice from your doctor, nutritionist, or dietician for guidance tailored to your needs.

Ear light meals more often
In simple terms, eating spurs your metabolism; the process by which your body turns food into energy. Eating more often, then, may kick your metabolism into a higher gear more times per day (e.g., if you eat six times a day, you get six “spikes”). But, you must make sure that eating more often does not also mean eating more; it’s essential that you reduce your overall average daily calories.

Eat breakfast.
Burning fat is all about keeping your metabolism churning. And when you’ve been snoozing all night, it’s safe to guess that your metabolism has been snoozing too. So get up, brush your teeth, and eat breakfast. The more protein-packed and substantial, the better.

Drink plenty of water.
Not only is adequate water consumption great for your skin, hair, and internal organs, it may also help you lose weight. Drinking water may, according to some research, on its own cause your metabolism to spike. And, at the very least, drinking water before a meal can help fill you up (and cause you to eat less).

Choosing the Right Foods

Cut out bad carbs.

Fat is just stored food; in other words, it’s fuel for your body. Carbohydrates are your primary outside source of fuel, and your body can burn either carbs or fat just the same. So as long as you feed your body carbohydrates, it will not burn fat.

However, cutting carbs alone may not help you shed fat, unless you are also cutting your overall calories as part of the process.
Remember that all carbs are not created equal.

Don’t drink alcohol.

Alcohol is full of empty calories (that is, bad carbs), and when you consume some, it’s hard not to consume more. So while it’s tempting to join in socially, refrain or at least severely restrict yourself. After all, excessive drinking can make fat burning the least of your worries

If you absolutely must drink alcohol, keep it to one drink if you’re a woman or two if you’re a man. But that should only be a once-in-a-while thing, for the sake of your fat burning goals.

Eat more lean proteins.

Protein and carbs contain roughly the same amount of calories per gram, but protein is not a preferred fuel like carbs. The protein is used as building blocks for muscle in your body and won’t turn to fat. So make lean meats, fish, and soy a regular part of your diet.

When you’re packing on protein and saying no to carbs, your brain will send signals, which you interpret as hunger, before switching to ketosis (i.e., fat burning). After that, your hunger pangs should subside.
Eating a lot of protein is hard on the liver and kidneys, and there are other considerations for “keto dieting.” It is not advised to consume zero carbs; just limit them, and stick to the good ones.

Drink green tea and coffee instead.

Some studies have shown that 25 ounces of green tea or 16 ounces of coffee can spur an increase in your metabolism. Just make sure you don’t load up your cup with spoonfuls of sugar.

Green tea and coffee seem to offer a wide range of possible health benefits, perhaps most notably the former’s antioxidant properties.

Go for fat-burning foods.

Don’t focus only on the foods you can’t eat or should avoid whenever possible; there are many delicious foods that you can and should eat to keep your metabolism on the upswing. So stock up on foods like:

  • Oatmeal
  • Lowfat or nonfat dairy (a little counterintuitive, but studies say that those who consume suggested amounts of dairy burn fat more easily than those who don’t)
  • Healthy fats like nuts, avocados, olive oil, and fatty fish
  • Eggs
  • Spicy foods
  • Grapefruit